Day One:
Took my vitamins, and scrambled to work. Did a bit of "heavy" lifting, moving cases of liquids. Had 12 oz of chicken gumbo for brunch. When I left work at 1pm I was quite ravenous, stopped by the local grocer and grabbed a giant mixed greens/spinach salad with artichoke hearts, olives, tuna, a smidge of grated parm, carrots, corn, and cukes. Topped it all off with some olive oil, and some apple cider vinegar. I don't think my classmates approved of the smell, but my tummy sure did! I also had a 1/4 cup of fresh fruit, strawberries and blueberries. Also had some tangerines mixed in for more color and variety.
In class until roughly 7pm, cut class early, as I was huuuungry again! Grabbed a pound of stew meat from the grocer. Cooked it up, and added two giant handfuls of broccoli (crowns and stems) to the steamer. I bought this broccoli, as well as the giant spaghetti squash, some small butternuts, anaheim peppers, and green tomatoes from Joe's Garden, fresh local food that is grown less than a mile from my domicile. Steamed those up, added a bit of olive oil and some pepper and a touch of salt. YUM. Body felt SO satisfied.... I was able to get quite a bit of homework completed, and fell asleep around 10pm.
Day Two:
So far this morning I've had my vit c tabs, and 1/2 cup of honey greek yogurt. Yum. I'm considering running to the fridge and heating up some of the spaghetti squash from Day Zero for a quick brunch before I hit the books again. That's it so far!
As to God, He is ALWAYS PRESENT and looking out for me. That brings me more comfort than you can possibly know. I've been looking into gardening/farming as a sustainable food source for about 5 years now, but never actually started doing anything. However, I've recently come across quite a few blogs that really move me, that really motivate me. You'll see them listed here, under People of Note. And, they're all or almost all, Christian Agrarians. I also recently discovered this video chronicling some of the changes one woman in Port Townsend has done on her lot. Take a peek:
Hi, I just wanted to tell you thank you for visiting my blog. I admire the steps you are taking to improve your health and life. Take care, Jennifer