I am SO blessed. I truly believe this in my heart of hearts. I have seen His work, in my own doings, and how friends begin to come back to Him after a time apart. And I want to cry from the joy of it. The scripture that was instrumental in my turning towards God and facing Him (He whom I ran from for so many years!) has been high in my consciousness these past months.
Luke 22:31-32
"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. [32] But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."
The sacrifice of Christ, his ultimate sacrifice, that of giving of his own life, that you and I may be made pure in God's eyes made me begin to realize how much I was running from Him Most High.
That Christ so believed in God's everlasting love and grace, he would pray and KNOW that it was already ordained that Simon would TURN BACK.... it still gives me goose-bumps and tears spring to my eyes even now, two years later. Christ said, "and when you turn back", not, "if".
I truly believe this is why I still cry in church. That God never gave up on me, even though I'd given up on myself. I am so very grateful that He truly is the trampoline for my falls. The one I was always looking for, but afraid to trust existed.
You, too, can turn back! You just have to take a chance, and jump with both feet! Even if you are scared, I am here as proof that it IS possible! You will be given the greatest gift you'll ever receive: unconditional love, and unconditional joy.
I'll leave off with a few updated pictures of the container gardening project. We're now quite a few weeks in, and while the plants are not as high as what I see growing in the fields at Joe's Garden, I fully realize that the location we're in now doesn't get full southern exposure, much as I would wish it. I do what I can, with what I can.
These were taken the second day of May, 2009.

I'll be taking more pictures in the next day or so, and I'll hopefully remember to add them to this space so that more can see how things are going.
Praise God!
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