Saturday, July 18, 2009

Defeating Negativity...

New Life Ministries

Defeating Negativity

Let angry people endure the backlash of their own anger; if you try to make it better, you’ll only make it worse.

From experience, we know that it is easy to criticize others. And we know that it is usually far easier to find faults than to find solutions. Still, the urge to criticize others remains a powerful temptation for most of us.

Negativity is highly contagious: We give it to others who, in turn, give it back to us. This stress-inducing cycle can be broken only by positive thoughts, heartfelt prayers, encouraging words, and meaningful acts of kindness.

As thoughtful servants of a loving God, we have no valid reason—and no legitimate excuse—to be negative. So, when we are tempted to be overly critical of others, or unfairly critical of ourselves, we must use the transforming power of God’s love to break the chains of negativity. We must defeat negativity before negativity defeats us.

Winners see an answer for every problem; losers see a problem in every answer. ~Barbara Johnson

We never get anywhere—nor do our conditions and circumstances change—when we look at the dark side of life. ~Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

To lose heart is to lose everything. ~John Eldredge

Do not build up obstacles in your imagination. Difficulties must be studied and dealt with, but they must not be magnified by fear. ~Norman Vincent Peale

Lord, let me be an expectant Christian. Let me expect the best from You, and let me look for the best in others. If I become discouraged, Father, turn my thoughts and my prayers to You. Let me trust You, Lord, to direct my life. And, let me be Your faithful, hopeful, optimistic servant
every day that I live. Amen

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